Convective-scale data assimiliation
Session 1 Oral Presentation Files
1.1 N. Gustafsson (KEYNOTE): Survey of data assimilation methods for convective-scale numerical weather prediction at operational centres
1.2 C. Schraff: On the operational use of the Kilometre-scale Ensemble Data Assimilation (KENDA) at DWD
1.3 J. Schröttle: Assimilation of cloud-affected radiances in idealized simulations of deep convection
1.4 G. Craig: Mesoscale dynamical regimes and balance in convective-scale DA
1.5 M. Milan: The Met Office hourly 4D-Var system, status and plans
1.6 T. Kawabata: Development of a storm-scale particle filter for investigating predictability of convection initiation and development
1.7 E. - H. Kim: Data assimiltion of GNSS Zenith Total Delays KMA convective scale model
1.8 T. Miyoshi: Is 30-second update fast enough for convection-resolving data assimilation?
1.9 Y. Zeng: Representation of model error in convective scale data assimilation
1.10 D. Leuenberger: Assimilation of Temperature and Humidity Profiles form a Raman Lidar
- O1.10_Leuenberger (15 MByte)
- O1.1_Gustafsson (2 MByte)
- O1.2_Schraff (4 MByte)
- O1.3_Schroettle (2 MByte)
- O1.5_isda2018_97openmmilan (2 MByte)
- O1.6_Kawabata (44 MByte)
- O1.7_Kim (2 MByte)
- O1.8_Miyoshi (23 MByte)
- O1.9_Zeng (2 MByte)