Assimilation of cloud-affected satellite observations
Session 3 Oral Presentation Files
3.1 A. Geer (KEYNOTE): All-sky assimilation of satellite radiances for global weather forecasting
3.2 L. Scheck: Using solar satellite channels for convective-scale data assimilation
3.3 L. Bach: Assimilating SEVIRI-VIS to improve the representation of convective initiation and low stratus
3.4 K. Lonitz: Addressing biases in cloudy situations using the all-sky assimilation of microwave radiances
3.5 T. Honda: Assimilation of Himawari-8 all-sky radiances every 10 minutes: A case of the September 2015 Kanto-Tohoku rainfall
3.6 M. Fielding: Assimilating profiles of cloud radar and lidar observations into the ECMWF 4D-Var system
3.7 S. Kotzuki: Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation of GPM/DPR Reflectivity into the Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model NICAM
- O3.1geer_isda_final_2018 (23 MByte)
- O3.2_isda2018_scheck_mac (16 MByte)
- O3.3_lbach_isda2018 (6 MByte)
- O3.4_Lonitz (33 MByte)
- O3.5_Honda (3 MByte)
- O3.6_Fielding_ISDA2018_v2 (32 MByte)
- O3.7_Kotsuki (2) (10 MByte)
- O3.8_Otkin (2 MByte)